γῆ gē μετρία


I’m creating the #geometries ❄️ of the elements that make up Mother Earth 🌎 and her human fractals. The idea is to connect seemingly isolated concepts that are actually different perspectives of the same point. Just like the flower of life, which starts with a circle and as it fractalizes, becomes a more complex system, but maintains the same initial essence. Similarly, the relationship between these geometries will be reflected not only in the elements #Fire, #Earth, #Air, #Water, and #Ether, but also in #social, #energetic, #planetary, #biological, #political systems, and constellations, among others. If you find it interesting and resonate with the idea, help me share the first geometries of the elements, and if you’d like to contribute with ideas, art, or related projects, you’re welcome. ✨ Thanks!

Healing through sound and art

The sound of the elements 🎹

Meditation time

Sound of Drums

-✨INHALE🧘🏽- … Air will enter through your nose and find the #PINEAL gland in the middle of your brain 🧠, which, with oxygenation, begins to detect an intention, a contact, and, with the vibration of #sound produced by chanting 🎶, by sounds like «ooouummm», specific vocal sounds, etc.; these will make this gland vibrate, generating its reactivation. This is not the only requirement for activation, it depends on variables such as managing emotions, #alkaline diet – avoiding fluoride, sugars, salts, and flours-, reasonable periods of physical and mental rest, among other factors. -✨RETAIN 🧘🏼‍♀️- At the same time, this constant action maintains a healthy #TOROID that encompasses a normal-sized electromagnetic field, a pulsar that maintains constant interaction with our surroundings. -✨EXHALE 🧘🏿- These human characteristics and faculties are strengthened or weakened depending on what we consume mentally and physically… What are we reading? What are we seeing on social media or TV? What and how are we feeding ourselves? What are our daily #thoughts? … To change old paradigms and activate our amazing #biotechnology, we need to nourish ourselves with different ideas and routines, be ACTIVE, and always willing to learn and respect ideas that don’t resonate with us. In the end, realities are just points of view and different paths and experiences that lead us to a single center. ⭕️. – Pencil on paper 🤪✍️ –

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