The Art

The reflection

Painting: The reflection. Oil on canvas. If you align your own energy, reality will align for you.
At the end you will find the case of Jim Carrey and related art. ✨😁

Whether you consider yourself an artist or not, whether you experience art in any of its dimensions, or simply enjoy it, I invite you to reflect on this universal fractal expression system. This is going to be a project aimed at ushering in a different perception of what art means to us, what art is on a human level, but also on a cosmic and transcendental level. The idea is to transform the perception we have of art and experience it for what it truly is: a foundational pillar system in this new human reorganization based on the development of consciousness, first on an individual level and then on a planetary and universal level. So, this is my microscopic grain of sand, this is and will be my contribution, and of course, it will be my own learning process manifested in art itself. It’s important to clarify that it’s not an absolute truth by any means, not meant to dictate what is right or wrong, but rather it’s a free interpretation of this social and cultural system based on something more than just creating or consuming art. It offers another perspective on what creating art means for us humans, reflecting the internal harmony of our own selves and the external harmony of our own reality.


The initial combinations of shapes, colors and materials became art in the matter.


The continuity of universal sound made art. Voice of creation in matter.


Stories and feats that have made me who I am so that others can be who they must be.


The world molded me from mud, I mold my world with the mud.


Geometry and motion come together to express themselves with rhythm.


I become the designer of my own world.


Where dreams come true. Mobilizing the soul through the arts.


Through art, I make finite the infinite of the universe and give myself continuity.

Concentrate and playing the violin, dancing and soaring in the air while spinning and returning to the rhythm of music at a specific point, painting your own idea by mixing shapes and colors on a canvas, constructing an architectural piece, writing verses and prose of deep feelings, recreating the human body in another material, making a movie, and telling stories. Do you think this is an activity exclusive to a few people? It’s very common to hear, ‘I don’t have that talent,’ ‘I wasn’t born for that,’ ‘I don’t have time,’ or simply ‘I’m not interested.’ We might also think that these are unnecessary activities, requiring too much patience and extra concentration that we don’t possess, that it doesn’t contribute to our current social system, or that it doesn’t  generate any income to cover the needs of our hectic lifestyle. Basically, these are things that may, from this perspective seem inconsequential things or something that we can leave to those who are somehow meant for it. If you wanted to be an artist and didn’t become one, perhaps the reason is that you didn’t want to starve in the process. Of course, this leaves art without the opportunity to be explored, leaves art as something great that we can only observe without feeling the need or enjoyment of experiencing it, without getting involved. It leaves art as entertainment, a little craving, a small human pleasure… but

Well, here we go. Welcome to ART; from now on, you’re going to be an artist, and you’ll be art at the same time, and it doesn’t even matter if you ‘know how to do art’ or not. First, forget all aesthetic prejudices, forget the goals of art as mere entertainment and pleasure, forget the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ forget what human history has bequeathed to us as the concept of ‘beauty,’ free yourself from stereotypes and social conditioning about what you’ve learned is ART, leave style for a second because it is a consequence, not a requirement. Once you’ve gone through this detachment from concepts, you’ll be ready to receive a different perception of this structural part of our new humanity. You’ll be ready to discover, perceive, and experience the expression of the soul and incorporate this powerful tool that brings us closer to the knowledge of our own I AM and the release of both conscious and unconscious bonds and conflicts.

It doesn’t matter if, from your perception, you believe that when you create art, that work, sound, or whatever you’ve expressed is not ‘beautiful’ compared to what you know as beauty. Please, and this is very important, also forget about comparison. In art, there’s only one rule: to bring what’s inside out and shape it externally. This concept is related to existence; it’s about organizing something chaotic into matter, structuring the idea in some way. It’s taking a chaotic infinity that resides within us and manifesting it into a finite order outside of us, in matter.

Every human being should become
an artist of their own life,
a creator and manifestor
of their own reality. 

Let’s go a step further. The universe, as a whole, is mind, but it’s a mind that lacks order because it’s infinite and doesn’t know what a PATTERN is. For there to be order, there must be a pattern, and for there to be a pattern, there must be polarity. There must exist an initial point and an endpoint – a Beginning and an End. Since the universe/mind is constant and infinite, it lacks a beginning and an end; it lacks order and patterns. Until there’s a notion of a beginning and an end, an Alpha and Omega, a Yin and Yang, the universe remains infinite. Due to this reality, the universe has to start seeking patterns; it has to start DESIGNING something finite. So, it takes that chaotic infinity it holds within itself and manifests it outwardly through a finite order. This allows the development of polarity – inside and outside-, -positive and negative-, which creates energy, vibration, and is precisely what we call the soul. The soul is the manifestation of that infinitude. So, we can directly relate the soul to ART.

The spirit is eternal and infinite, it’s mental and universal; therefore, it cannot manifest itself. It needs something to attribute limitations to it in order to express each element of itself, and that is the SOUL. The soul will express the patterns that will allow it to live through matter in different realities and vibrationsWe are a bit unusual, I know, but let’s keep trying.

So, the universe begins to create networks, synaptic networks, patterns organized by different vibrations and frequencies, geometric figures that generate networks of vibration in the universe thanks to the manifestation of the Soul. Thus, energy organizes data in the form of a network. And what is a network? A tissue, a tissue that the universe used through the art of technique to order infinite chaos and turn it into finite order.

In our quest to become spiritual beings, we forget that
the spiritual created matter precisely to experience and
feel itself. Art is one medium. 

Based on this idea, ART is the capacity for manifestation, and TECHNIQUE is the way it manifests. The entire universe begins to organize itself in the form of tissue; chaos starts forming ‘entities’ – galaxies, solar systems, planets, living beings, atoms, etc. Over millions of years of evolution, tissue order more and more through biological techniques, creating beauty, creating ART. Sounds, colors, structures, shapes – it begins to manifest everything material that exists, including the human being.

So, we are the UNIVERSAL ART through the technology of organic biology. We are the result of a spirit that became a soul to achieve limited order so that the infinite could have the capacity for order. That’s why we are quite important to the universe because we are the result of its creation; we are its ART. Fractally, we need to manifest, express, and create. Our Souls need to express themselves through the technique of making art. It’s a way to give continuity and fractality to the finite order that the universal mind has created. It’s a way to generate continuity and order to structure ourselves internally by creating something externally.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Don’t be afraid to pick up a brush or use your own hands to create a painting. Sing and shout in the shower, while driving, or during your daily tasks. Play the guitar or learn to play it. Don’t feel inhibited to write your emotions in a poem, even if it might sound a bit ridiculous. Your feelings and experiences are the infinite chaos that needs to be expressed in finite order to follow an evolutionary path. Move your body and dance as your energy dictates, regardless of who is watching. Release that emotion that finds order and expression in our material dimension through art. These actions are emotional catalysts that follow a fractal order of expression. They are aligned with the configuration of things and are a continuity of our deepest self. It’s a way to discover ourselves and open our minds to a greater, fractal understanding that gradually allows us to reconnect with the universal energy network. Create and live art, reflect upon yourself, and you will realize that you are already art. Recognize yourself as such.

Explore the case of Jim Carrey! 🎨

Paint, sing, dance, write... create!

Related Art

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In this section of each article you will find related art.
If you want to share art with me, just send me the idea or your own art by social media.

Paint, sing, dance, write... create!

Related Art

Alex Serra - Human

In this section of each article you will find related art.
If you want to share art with me, just send me the idea or your own art by social media.

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